The past month of Ramadhan (in Hijri/Muslim calendar ) is another worth experience to me. Waking up early morning (2am - 3am) just to cook my food for Imsak (before dawn meal). I'm glad in a way I have survived this year's one month fasting without eating and drinking even touching my wife in daytime.
There were also times that I can't wake up to took my Imsak and continued fasting till Iftar (allowed to eat again after sunset) which make thinner now. During the Eid'l Fitr we will then again wake up morning to take a bath for the morning prayer. As ordered by Darul Ifta in Mindanao, the Eid'l Fitr prayer should be 7:00am. Also, praying in an outdoor during this prayer is more blessed because according to Hadith (saying of Prophet Mohammad S.A.W) angels goes down and spread blessings to all of those praying.
As part of the Muslim obligations during Ramadhan, we are also required to give Zakaat (charity to the poor, reverted to Islam, orphan or anything agreed by Darul Ifta to receive). I gave mine at Masjid Al-borhan last night before prayer time for Isha amounting equivalent to two and half kilos of rice we ate during fasting.
Right now, some Cotabateños go to beaches as their annual celebration of Eid'l Fitr. Until now, I still hear fireworks blasting once in a while.
I prayed for acceptance of fasting and prayers, forgiveness from Allah and to some people whom I think I've hurt directly or indirectly with my thoughts or words and in what I have done or failed to do.
Again, Happy Eid'l Fitr to all Muslims around the world. Till next Ramadhan, Inshallah.
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